Have students write skits showing what accepting others' differences looks like. Perform them.
Act out a book like "One" or "The Sneetches" or "The Butter Battle Book".
Have students learn a short Harmony Day dance to be done as an action break during the assembly.
Have students sign paper hearts and put a comment telling what they are proud of about themselves. The hearts form a bigger heart which is displayed in the assembly.
Have a bulletin board in the foyer to advertise the assembly, with art work, poetry and/or stories promoting diversity and inclusion.
Have students write stories or non-fiction on the theme of Harmony and Diversity and share them.
Create a banner of stars which students will pass by on their way to the assembly. Each student signs their star which reads, "Everyone belongs at ...".
Slideshow ideas
Show a slide show featuring food and students on a "Multicultural Dress-Up Day" earlier in the week. Have a number of songs from different cultures playing in the background.
Share a slide show from an International Tea earlier in the week where students and parents set up tables representing their countries and share tea/snacks from their country.
Put together a slide show highlighting different cultures represented in your school
Have students share what makes their culture, background, family or heritage special. Include pictures for each child.
Show a slide show of posters created by students.
Have students read one of the books from the book resource list. Scan the pictures in for the big screen.
Have students share what they think the message of the book is.